Redbubble's explanation and profit design business strategy and the sale of t-shirts

Redbubble is a virtual platform specialized in printing designs on demand and printing on clothing products, it prints works of art and graphics designs that have been done by Photoshop or Elstratoor or purchased from sites selling design services such as Pfeiffer and otherwise and printing them on anything requested, can be printed Clothing and charting, paintings, phone covers, bags, cards or greeting cards, Sitres and other products, where the site prints the design and ship it to customers through steps and stages to be identified, and provides designers with the ability to make money by racking their designs on all the goods that RedBabel provides.

How to find the required content and a winning product to make the required design and achieve sales on the Redbubblewebsite.

One of the best sites that allows you to search well for the winning product is semrush

This impact will help a lot to identify the winning products as well as search and extract the most searched keywords with the knowledge of the way the title works and good description and see the category of interested audience with the identification of the most consuming countries for these trends and identify the way seo works good to get good and good backlinks to enhance the appearance of the product on search engines such as Google, Bing or Yotiop and earn good profits through work and profit from the Internet.

For beginners in print on demand, the best thing for them to make money is to make great design and target events in America and Europe by getting to know the list of annual events for winning design and making money to expand the business well.

To download the list of events click here

Redbubble enables you to register and upload a large number of designs for free, as it provides customers on the platform who can search and find your products by searching on RedBubble you will get free visits from within the platform such as eBay, Amazon and Etsy because the site gets a large number of visits daily by customers and customers who visit the site always to buy.

Redbubble prints your designs on the clothes of your choice and ships packages directly to their owners, some of the customer's order for a product from redbubble.

Whenever you have to register, set your store and add withdrawal information in the Settings section, you can link your PayPal account with Redbubble to receive payments from customers easily and securely.

RedBabel clothing is considered one of the best clothes in terms of high quality whether in the type of dress or used printing materials and it is very popular in America and Europe

You can now learn how the site works and register and start creating the best designs to make money easily if you follow the steps described in the video on YouTube.

الهامش الربحي على Redbubble

The designer is free to determine the profit margin of his designs, which ranges from 10 to 30% of the sale price of the product on the RedBubble platform, let's assume that the price of the product is $25 and the profit margin ratio is set by the designer at 20% so the return will be $5.

It should be noted that the designer is paid monthly provided that the balance amounts to a minimum payment limit of US$20.

Opportunities to sell designs on Redbubble website

Redbubble ranked 1158th and 597th in America 24 product rankings, while its ranking in the technical and design field is 39th in the world and is good, and if these rankings indicate a huge number of customers per month, with an average of 31 million visitors per month.

Rankings by country and first-to-end visits

43.00% applications from the United States.

7.93% applications from the UK.

Number of applications 4.58% from Germany.

Number of applications 4.54% from Australia.

Number of applications 4.44% from Canada.

We also note that the large percentages of customers are from countries of its citizens with high pPC and good income, so the opportunity to sell your designs will be very good so there is no need to market your designs yourself because the number of visits is very large which will allow you to get customers to sell your designs on it easily.

In addition to the key words of the design and description, it plays a big and important role to attract customers to buy your designs.


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